The several days before. I search for information on the INCRA ME/1000SE Miter Express and Miter1000 SE Combo Pack, so i would like to describe here.
I use this unit on a construction site saw Bosch 4000. I think for the money and size, you can't beat this unit. any other combination of calibre and would be too large for a saw; However, this unit is perfectly sized for it. Setup and calibration takes approx. 45 minutes. for bosch, was a bit confusing because the angle of the saw is opposite to how the unit is configured (although include some instructions on how to flip that). I'm rating

This value-priced combo includes the Miter 1000SE gauge and the Incra Miter Express. Enjoy unmatched miter gauge precision combined with a sliding table with workpiece support on both sides of the blade.The Miter 1000SE lets you achieve mitering accuracy you never thought possible.* 41 angle stops in 5° increments over a full 180° range.* Miter bar adjusts to any standard .... Read more or Check Price
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